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Accountability the Secret Sauce of Discipleship
Unless you overlay accountability onto the micro-shift we described in Starbucks, Micro-Shifts and Discipleship, all you have is a solid lesson in a discipleship class. Our world desperately needs disciples who reflect Jesus.
Starbucks, Micro-shifts and Discipleship
There is a lot to be learned about discipleship from a micro-shift made twenty-five years ago by Starbucks.
How To Build A Community Profile
Here is how you can build a community profile to really understand who your neighbour is and how you can reach them.
Winning the Fight Against Discouragement
Leading is hard work. And at times, discouraging. In fact, if you’ve never felt discouraged you probably haven’t worked on anything worthwhile. Feeling discouraged is inevitable. Staying discouraged is avoidable.
How to Avoid Death by Meeting
Board meetings, staff meetings, budget meetings, strategy meetings, planning meetings, and meetings about meetings. Can you hear the sound of air being sucked out of the room? Why are meetings SO bad?
7 Lessons From Vitalization
Vitalization is more than getting a definition of success right. It’s doing what Jesus calls his followers to become - faithful and fruitful.
12 Qualities of Pastors Who Last
A pandemic and sociological upheaval leave pastors facing increased threats to their relationships and longevity. Some of longest serving pastors of many of the most vibrant churches in Canada, share 12 qualities of resilient leaders.
Adaptive Capacity is the New Currency of Leadership
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is posing unprecedented challenges to church leadership across the world. How adaptive changes have responded to pandemic challenges.
Maturity = Reproduction
Imagine if 75% of your church were actively engaged in the discipling of pre-Christians and Christians? What a day that would be.
Loving Your Community in a Big Way
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single purchase. Cue “The Big Spend” and churches across Canada championing local businesses on July 25th. The big idea came from one of our PAOC credential holders, Tim Schindel.
The Church Unmasked
Before COVID, churches were safely hidden behind a mask of traditionalism and irrelevance. Masks allowed too many dreams to be squashed, passions to be quenched, and visions to be shutdown. Now, all masks, except ones for AHS, are off.
The Spirit Of Religion Claims Another Victim
The spirit of religion is the number one thing blocking any progression of the church. The spirit of religion sinks its teeth into traditions and idolizes methods to create a god of ideology that can seem impossible to topple.
The Connection Funnel
The average person has no idea what next steps to take to connect into this congregation and what the destination (being a part of the church) might look like. It’s up to us as leaders to create clear and obvious next steps for them.