Hailey Armoogan Hailey Armoogan

3 Ways To Keep Your Team Encouraged

There’s enormous pressure on pastoral team members, support staff and key volunteers to change and adapt the way they do ministry. The ability to sustain momentum will be dependent on your team’s health; something you need to continue to cultivate.

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Bob Jones Bob Jones

How A Pandemic Can Lead To A Renewed Purpose

In these difficult days, it’s easy to drift into counting what you’ve lost but good leaders look to find what we’ve gained. And when you do, you’ll find hidden ideas, sharper focus, new growth and a renewed purpose.

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Youth Jeff Kiers Youth Jeff Kiers

3 Ways To Engage Parents as a Youth Leader

Parents can sometimes be seen as adversaries in youth ministry, but the fact is they need to be our teammates. This article explores 3 ways that you can help bring parents alongside you in your mission and vision for their children in your youth ministry during Covid-19 and beyond

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Church Finances John Albiston Church Finances John Albiston

3 Reasons Why People Give

If we want people to give, we need to understand why they give in the first place. For far too long churches have been ignorant and mistaken about this and, as a result, been ineffective at connecting with people’s hearts and wallets.

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Jeff Kiers Jeff Kiers

3 Ways to Conquer Loneliness in Your Community

Loneliness is a crippling reality of our social situation. People not only are cut off from the availability of in person meetings with friends and family, but at the same time are facing a feeling of loss of purpose. As people lose their jobs and go on government support there has never been a time where alleviating loneliness in our world is more important. So how can your church respond? Here are 3 ways your church can help to support your community in feeling connection.

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