Jeff Kiers Jeff Kiers

Creating an Online Youth Grad Event via Zoom

One of the sad facts of the world stopping on its access during COVID-19 is that your grade 12 students will not be able to celebrate graduation as they expected to. No dinner, no walking the stage. And while for some people that’s not that big of a loss, for others this is a highlight of life. So how can you as a youth ministry step in and make that happen?

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Outreach Jeff Kiers Outreach Jeff Kiers

How to Create a Drive In Family Movie Night at your Church

Looking for ways to still connect with your community during this Covid-19 shutdown? Everybody wants to leave their homes but can’t. I know I have been looking for any excuse to get away from my computer and out of my living room. So how can the church utilize the space we have without people being allowed to come inside the building?

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Easter Bob Jones Easter Bob Jones

Online Easter 2020 Ideas

Get your team together now and start thinking outside the box (or the grave). Plan for an Easter week, not just a day. Read, assign ideas to team members and get busy.

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Kathy Zelman Kathy Zelman

How To Do Kids Ministry In COVID-19

We are all finding ourselves in very unique situations as a result of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
This provides unique opportunities for a different kind of ministry to kids and families.

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Jeremiah Raible Jeremiah Raible

Are You An Essential Service?

One of the questions I’ve asked at every church I’ve served at is this: “If our church closed its’ doors, would the community fight to keep us open?” In answering that question, you begin to see how integrated and essential you are to your community.

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Al Downey Al Downey

I Will Lift Up My Eyes

This year’s Easter Season is unlike any other we have experienced. In three short months, the entire world has been brought to its knees by an unseen but deadly enemy. Who would have thought it possible?

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Phil Doroshuk Phil Doroshuk

When Unemployment Arrives

No one who loves what they are called to do wants to be sidelined. When it happens, your mind is swirling, your heart is hurt and you ask, where do I begin?

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