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Self-Care, a Priority Protocol During the Pandemic
Four essential ingredients to self-care.
Resilience: The Secret Sauce of Pastoral Fitness
When faced with continuous criticism, health concerns, stress, opposition, or discouragement, resilience is how well a pastor can adapt to the events in her or his life. Resilience is the secret sauce of pastoral fitness.
Ways To Adopt A Local School at Christmas and in 2021
There are phenomenal opportunities available this Christmas to start or strengthen a relationship between your church and a local school or schools.
Time For Thinking Big About 2021
Did 2020 cause you to stop dreaming, to stop thinking big? It has for many. It’s why a setback can be a big opportunity. While many have stopped dreaming, you still can.
The Great Reset
While we are engaged in debate about the great global reset, we do not want to miss the fact that God is re-positioning the Church for the future as well.
Pentecost, Revitalization, and the Last Great Revival
Pentecost teaches us not to fear the new or idolize the familiar, and that the divine power of Pentecost is the love of Jesus revealed in the Cross. Ready for God's next?
Future Gatherings Will Be Big On Small
What will the local church look like in the future? That was the subject of discussion I was invited into recently. And the number of answers was greater than the number of participants. There was a lack of certainty but a multitude of possibilities.
The Prophetic Work Of Making Disciples
The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heartbreaking needs, is clear. Will those who are identified as “Christians” become disciples—students, apprentices, practitioners—of Jesus Christ?
Why You Need A Ministry Strategy
The simple truth is that strategy is what takes us from where we are (point A) to where we want to be (point B).
12 Ways To Be A Welcoming Church
Go through each one of these items and ask yourselves how are we doing on this? Close the gaps. Remember, intentionality is the key to becoming a welcoming church.
5 Easy Ways to Make a Great First Impression
Your First Impression is the greatest impression you can ever make for a newcomer. Here are 5 easy ways to make a great first impression.
There Is An “I” in Leadership
Leaders are learners. We learn as we lead. A season of major change is a dangerous time to lead poorly. Poorly handled change is at the root of a huge portion of church conflicts, splits and exits. Learn well to lead well.
Bringing Church To Your Family at Christmas
Christmas is a sparkling opportunity to contrast the stereotypes about Christianity with the real person of Jesus. This Christmas make it possible for your congregation to bring church to their family.
The Clergy Residence Deduction and Payroll Taxes
As a minister, you may qualify for a tax reduction. Treasurer/bookkeeper/administrator - did you know that the minister(s) in your church/ministry could qualify to have payroll taxes reduced each pay period? Details from our Director of Finance & Admin.
Pastors Hitting the Res(e)t Button
There is only a one-letter difference between “rest” and “reset” but there is a world of difference in outcomes. Pastors wouldn’t be blamed if they need to rest. We're all COVID exhausted. But the antidote to exhaustion is not just rest. It's reset.
Free Resources: Planning For Christmas 2020
Outreach Ideas
Sermon series
Connect with your community at Christmas
Groundwork: Crowdsourcing Your Next Message Series
What if ushers, vocalists, parents, children … everyone had a role shaping the weekly message, would it change congregational engagement? Would you hear the same sermon? Or would the message start to shift in ways no one predicted?