CV Learning Lab - The Discipleship Opportunity

How can a pastor effectively lead, evangelize, disciple, and preach differently in our post-pandemic, post-truth, post-Christian, post-[fill-in-the-blank] planet? Daniel Im will talk pastor to pastor in answering questions such as: How do I reach the spiritually sleeping and spiritually dead in my community? How do I disciple people to know Jesus deeply and experience being known by Him fully? And how do I preach in this post-everything world?


Daniel Im serves as the Lead Pastor at Beulah Alliance Church in Edmonton since June 2020. He has an M.A. in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary and has served and pastored in church plants and multisite churches ranging from 100 people to 50,000 people in Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, Korea, Edmonton, and Nashville. In addition to his latest book, The Discipleship Opportunity, he also authored, No Silver Bullets, Planting Missional Churches, and You Are What You Do. His podcasts have been downloaded over 3 million times.


3 Diagnostic Questions:

1. Think back to the last several people who were baptized at your church. What did their stories tell you about your church? 


2. What posture do people have when they gather on the weekends at your church? Are they expectant and hungry? Are they there out of obligation and tradition? Or are they somewhere in between? 


3. How often are your people inviting and bringing newcomers to your church? What does this tell you about their faith and your church?


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