CV Learning Lab Giving Strategies for the Canadian Church

Is the vision for your church larger than your church’s giving? As a pastor, one of the toughest challenges you face is increasing giving and stewarding the church’s finances to accomplish God’s vision. But what if you feel uncomfortable talking about money? One of the most important forms of pastoral care is helping people learn to live responsibly and generously with the money God has given them. Increase giving and strengthen your congregation’s discipleship in the next four months by using wise, proven strategies.

Bob Jones is an advance coach with the ABNWT District and an Alberta liaison to the Pentecostal Assemblies of Ukraine. For 40 years he served as a pastor in Ontario, Montreal and Edmonton and most recently lead Central Tabernacle through a relocation journey to become North Pointe Community Church. He is an author and writer, working behind the scenes to help influencers creatively tell their story.


CV Learning Lab - The Discipleship Opportunity


Reaching Your Community Course