ABNWT Podcast
029 // Think Like A Church Planter
Coaches Corner looks at what it means to think like a church planter as we prepare for a fall that may be more open than we've seen in a while.
Coaches Corner looks at how pastors can actively develop the leaders around them and create a leadership development system that will help facilitate and sustain growth and development. We look at Ephesians 4 and decide whether it's just a suggestion or something pastors should be convicted about.
027 // Grow Your Church For $50 A Month
Coach Jeremiah Raible talks about an initiative to help churches be intentional about reaching those yet to come. Simply allocating $50 a month and following these simple guidelines will help you engage those in your community who are not yet a part of your church.
Coach Jeremiah Raible talks about an initiative to help churches be intentional about reaching those yet to come. Simply allocating $50 a month and following these simple guidelines will help you engage those in your community who are not yet a part of your church.
025 // Adaptive Leadership
Coaches Corner looks at adaptive leadership in pastoral ministry and how pastors can and must adjust to the new terrain of ministering in Post-Christian, Mid-Covid Canada. Why do we stay stuck? Why can't we do things differently? What is it going to take to reach lost people in our nation? Discover resources and be challenged to make the necessary changes moving forward.
Coaches Corner looks at adaptive leadership in pastoral ministry and how pastors can and must adjust to the new terrain of ministering in Post-Christian, Mid-COVID Canada. Why do we stay stuck? Why can't we do things differently? What is it going to take to reach lost people in our nation? Discover resources and be challenged to make the necessary changes moving forward.
011 // Transforming A Nation With Brian Rutten
ABNWT Global Worker Brian Rutten joins us to talk about releasing ministry to the masses and transforming an entire nation.
007 // Utilizing Your Building as Mission With Zach Manntai
Zach Manntai talks about meeting the needs of your community by utilizing your building for more than just a Sunday morning experience.
006 // Reaching A Post-Christian Culture With Connie Jakab
We talk with Connie Jakab, a Mission Canada worker in Calgary AB about what it looks like to communicate the gospel to a post Christian culture in Canada.
001 // Vitalizing Churches With Gary Taitinger
Welcome to the NEW Healthy Churches ABNWT podcast. Share this with your leadership team and let's start the conversation. In this episode, Pastor Gary talks about the 5 pillars of the prevailing church: 1. Teaching -Giving answers from the Bible that people are asking 2. Music - That engages people in a sense of the presence of God. 3. Children - Excellence in engaging the spiritual interest of children 4. Hospitality -Excellence in connecting people into the life of the church. 5. Outbound - A pervasive effort to talk and tell at all levels of church life.
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- Leadership 14
- Evangelism 10
- Youth 8
- Outreach 7
- Coaching 4
- First Impressions 4
- Next Gen 4
- Theology 3
- Assimilation 2
- Children 2
- Creative 2
- Pastoral Care 2
- Serving Your Community 2
- Technology 2
- Worship 2
- Counselling 1
- Missions 1
- Online Church 1
- Re-Opening Church 1
- Small Groups 1
- Social Media 1
- Soul Care 1
Coaches Corner looks at what it means to think like a church planter as we prepare for a fall that may be more open than we've seen in a while.