ABNWT District Resource Centre

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YL Accelerator – Year 2

In June, we wrapped up our second year of our Young Leaders Accelerator – a ten-month pathway for a small cohort of our brightest young leaders. We focus on relationships, growth, character development, and so much more.

As I considered what to include in a debrief like this, my mind went in several directions. I consulted feedback responses and notes taken, but I thought it would be better to take a different approach.

I had a conversation this week that encapsulated my heart for this program. One of our ministry guests from this past year helped facilitate one of our in-person retreats and commented that the time she spent with our group was special. Beyond the sessions (which were phenomenal), her interactions with our young leaders revealed a curiosity and a hunger to learn. She remarked how much she was impacted by the retreat, the synergy of our young leaders, and what God was doing in our midst.

That made my day.

That sentiment sums up the YL Accelerator. There’s confidence in God’s call on their lives, confidence in the gifts He’s given them mixed with a humble, open-hearted, anticipatory approach to what God might want to teach them.

As I think through the personal stories that filled this past year, I see young pastors who gained clarity on God’s direction for their lives. I see freedom from past wounds. I see camaraderie building. I see pride in our PAOC family and the kinds of leaders who have laid the foundation for the YL Accelerator participants to launch. Much more could be said, but I am excitedly confident in the YL Accelerator as a developer of the young pastors in our district.

As we look forward to year three, we are filled with anticipation for the new opportunities and growth that await us. We are excited to continue this journey of learning and development together, and we are confident that the best is yet to come.

A special thanks to Paul and Corrie Fraser, Mandi & Hunter Gillis, Devan Green, Amy Acpal and the many guests we gleaned from. Thanks to those who invested financially – your vision to pour into our future cannot be understated! Thanks to District Superintendent Gary Taitinger and our ABNWT District leadership for making these kinds of initiatives happen. It is an incredible honour to serve our young pastors and leaders.


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