ABNWT District Resource Centre

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Why You Need Children's Ministry In Your Church

Have you ever wondered why you need children’s ministry in your church?  It’s because children are important! Here are 5 reasons why your church needs a thriving children’s ministry.

  1. Children are important to Jesus.  Jesus cares about our kids spirit, soul and body and welcomed them. Let’s follow the example of Jesus.

  2. Children are important to parents.  These days, parents are running everywhere the child wants to go and activities they want to be involved with. Let’s make church a place they want to be.

  3. Children are important to the community. Any event, service or activity geared to help a child’s well being is viewed as highly valuable to the community. Let’s be the best example in our community.

  4. Children are important to other children. They see each Sunday as a family reunion and remind us that it’s good to smile, laugh, talk, listen and have fun with family. Let’s learn from the children.

  5. Children are important in the body of Christ. Kids take the Great Commission seriously and invite their friends from school and teams to church!  Let’s watch how children can make a church grow.

3 Key Principles of Successful Children’s Ministry:

Prayer- Ask God First

The internet has given us access to resources and inspiring ideas for Children’s Ministry at the tip of our fingers but often it leads us to dependence on someone else’s ideas for success. Learning from others can be helpful but ask the Lord for the unique pieces that will set you apart and attract the kids to your church.  Why not ask God first and be obedient to His plans. He will give you the strategies you need in every area. (Matthew 6:33)

Passionate – Catch the Vision 

Your mission explains why you exist.  The vision is how you are going to get there. Everyone from Lead Pastor to volunteers need to have the vision communicated of how you will accomplish the mission. Keep the mission in front of your team so you know where your going and don’t allow distractions to take you off course. Be passionate and others will catch the vision and run with you! (Habakkuk 2:2)

Participation – Do the Work 

As the body of Christ we need to remember we need one another to do the work God has called us to do.   Children’s Ministries is NOT only for those who serve in that department on Sunday mornings and mid week services. It is for the whole body and this body needs to work together. Many hands can clean toys and rooms quickly!  Many eyes can be security for the safety of our kids. Many ears can listen to children’s prayer requests and their questions about God. Many feet can have fun playing games or lead lively worship that will make you feel like a kid again.

There is a harvest of souls between the ages of 4-14 but the workers are few. Come on church, there’s work to do and we need you. (Matthew 9:38)

Leann Woelk serves as the Children's Ministries Specialist for the ABNWT District. She is passionate about walking alongside leaders who desire to teach children about the fullness of their salvation and hearing the voice of God. She and her husband Kevin have 2 sons and a daughter in law and live in Spruce Grove, Alberta.


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