ABNWT District Resource Centre

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The Church Has Left The Building

When I first started in ministry, I was really good at running an organization. Planted an underground church in Vancouver for the film and entertainment industry. We saw over 1500 people come out in the first year. But, something was missing.

As I continued to put on good meetings, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me, saying "Jesus didn't die for just good meetings and butts in seat's. Rather He died for us to produce fruit." You see, people came but no one was changing for Jesus. No fruit.

I watched a movie called "The Holy Ghost" and saw someone get healed on a park bench, this blew my mind! I knew Jesus could heal, but I've never seen it in all of my 20 years saved. I wanted to be able to do this! Now, it wasn't the man of God that laid hands on the person who got healed that interested me, it was the person who got healed that did. You see, they were so overwhelmed by God’s miracle on that bench, they cried uncontrollably. This is what I wanted to see, people overwhelmed by God, encountering the real living God of the universe.

So, I officially made an effort to seek out how to heal the sick. It took about 4 months of pursuing God and asking Him for this gift. Then I prayed for a lady with asthma in a Starbucks, who sounded like a heavy chain-smoker when she talked. Completely healed and my life has never been boring ever since.

Now, in the matter of 4 years we've seen thousands healed and thousands saved as a result of normalizing healing, walking out a lifestyle of Christianity 24/7. In the last calendar year we've trained over 2000 Christians to heal the sick and they've seen over 1500 different healings. The testimonies from the everyday normal Christian are off the charts with fruit. Which always points to Jesus and salvation.


Guest Post by Jamie Rauch. Jamie Rauch carries an incredible vision as a Mission Canada worker who is desirous of reaching and impacting the film and entertainment industry in Canada, and beyond. He is based out of Calgary. Visit lightinfilm.org for more info (https://www.lightinfilm.org/).