3 Reasons to Not Open Youth Groups Right Now

There is a hint of optimism beginning to show as we have now entered phase 1 of Re-launch in Alberta. We now are allowed to have 50 or less people at our gatherings with social distancing measures in place and no singing. So, should we open the doors to our youth groups. Mask, 6 feet apart, no singing, no food youth events. Sounds like a party to me…


Here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t open in person youth gatherings yet.


It’s not realistic

It’s really that simple for me. At this point the restrictions of phase one do not lend themselves to a worthwhile in person youth group experience. Masks, no singing, no games. If you did do games, they would be games that would be just as engaging or maybe even more engaging over an online platform. Sure, you could preach with a mask on, but I do not believe the value gained from that, is more than you would get from another zoom call. The novelty would be there for a bit but soon the realization that this isn’t normal and is genuinely awkward, would kick in.


You can’t make youth properly social distance

Be honest with yourself. This would be an unachievable goal. It’s hard enough to keep students from running on the stage or playing the drums when they are not supposed to. I know in my experience as a youth pastor, this was a losing battle. The reality is, unless you have a security team ready to enforce the rules strictly like some sort of secret police force, some of your students will find ways to break the rules, just as they did before COVID-19.


It is not the best way to achieve your mission

I would love to have a normal church gathering. Just as I am sure you desperately want some level of normal for your youth group. Here is an honest question though. Is opening a severely restricted gathering better to achieve your mission than staying online until phase 2? Are you wanting to open because it’s the best way to reach and disciple students, or because you are desperate to feel normal again? It’s not wrong to feel that way, it’s not wrong to long for a “normal” or even “somewhat normal” youth event. We all have a certain level of insecurity around this situation. The fact is, that while it’s not wrong to feel these emotions it’s wrong to lead from them. We have to put our own feelings aside and even maybe the pressure we feel from people in our congregations. We are called to be leaders who are bold and make hard choices that are best for our people, even if they are not popular. 


While the pandemic isn’t over and we still need to exist in the awkwardness that is this COVID-19 timeline, there is hope for the future. We don’t know what phase 2 looks like or even what the fall could look like. However, it is not unlikely that phase 2 could be much more friendly to our in-person gatherings. We don’t know when that will be but if I’m guessing, I would think it could come in the next month or two. There is a better day coming, and while today is not ideal, we need to find the wins that God has for our ministry today. We pray, we adapt, we prevail.

You can do this, you are called for this moment. 



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