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Ways To Adopt A Local School at Christmas and in 2021

There are phenomenal opportunities available this Christmas to start or strengthen a relationship between your church and a local school or schools.

If COVID has sidelined the Christmas events you normally would invest money and time in, you can re-purpose those resources through partnering with a school to do good in your community.

Principals are open more than ever to unconditional support.


How to Connect With a Principal

Sherry Adams is a pastor and the Edmonton Public School trustee for Ward 1.
Here’s her advice on how best to connect with a principal.

First, don’t think about doing this unless you simply want to support. No ulterior motives or proselytizing. Principals need to feel the assurance that you are a community partner and sincerely want to help them solely for the benefit.

Second, identify the school closest to your church facility. Do thoughtful research. Look at the school’s website. Learn the name of the principal and assistant principal. What is the school’s motto or values statement? Is there something there that will help you start a conversation with the principal?

Before you call the principal for an appointment, understand that you are looking at a long-term relationship. Adopting a school is like adopting a child. Connection is not a solitary event but an ongoing series of engagements that will shift and change over time. Think years, not months.

Rally a team in your church to work with you in delivering care for the students and staff at the school. Budget resources, recruit personnel, and pray for the school.

Ready for commitment?


First Contact 

Make a call to set up an appointment with the principal. Make it clear that you are not coming to complain.

Arrive with a gift for the principal – coffee, an individually wrapped cupcake or muffin. As you introduce yourself assure the principal you are there to serve. “Our church cares about the community and your school. We’re all COVID-stressed and we want to do whatever we can to carry some of that burden. We want to know what we can do for your school, no strings attached.” 

Enquire about families that could use some extra kindness this Christmas. “We’d like to provide you with Christmas hampers for “x” number of families and you can give them on behalf of the school, not the church.”


8 Ways You Can Help

  1. Purchase gift cards from a local grocery store for the principal to hand out to needy families.

  2. Purchase gift cards from a local store where families can purchase clothing or toys for the principal to give out.

  3. Purchase cupcakes or donuts from a local bakery for the office and teaching staff. Get the items individually wrapped to be COVID-friendly and drop them off with a Christmas card saying thank you and that you love your school.

  4. Purchase a computer or an iPad for the school library.

  5. Volunteer to read to a Grade One class.

  6. Volunteer to assist in the parking lot during morning drop-off.

  7. As you continue your relationship ask the principal to choose a day for you to deliver hot pizza for students and staff.

  8. In June or early next September, in warmer weather, deliver Freezies for everyone to the school, again with a note saying you are the best.


Remember, you are building a bridge and representing all churches through your church. Good news travels fast. When you create a good experience with a principal that story will be shared around.

Let's change the narrative about the church. We are community builders.

Sherry Adams is open to taking questions.
You can reach her at Phone: 780-429-8087 or E-mail: Sherry.Adams@epsb.ca

If you have adopted a school please share ways you have connected in the comment section below. Once you connect with a school share your experience below.

Thank you for blessing principals, staff, and students.


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