ABNWT District Resource Centre

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My First 90 Days in Canada

As I am typing this the song of Steven Curtus Chapman Saddle Up Your Horses is playing in my head. The chorus is true of this new adventure that the Lombard family is on. 

The words go like this, 

“Saddle up your horses, we've got a trail to blaze. 
Through the wild blue yonder of God's amazing grace. 
Let’s follow our leader into the glorious unknown. 
This is a life like no other, whoa, whoa this is the great adventure” 

We know that we are following Jesus’ call into this unknown called Canada. And an adventure it has been so far!

Canada, eh!

We arrived in Canada on June 26, 2021, and had to go through three days of quarantine stay-at-a-hotel in Toronto before we could continue on to our end destination, Peace River. After another 11 days of quarantine, we were free to explore this beautiful town that God has called us to. Within the first few weeks, we already have made great friends, had great meals and explored the Peace River Valley. 

We discovered, in the past 90 days, that it requires a lot of administration to settle in a new country and new community. Getting a SIN number, getting a driver’s licence, registering our children into the new school to mention only some of it. We went out fishing, planned a hunt, and moved into our first rental house all in 90 days. 


The one discovery we have made though is that the people here have a hunger for a nonreligious relationship with Jesus. Matthew 9:38 states that the harvest is ready, but the harvesters are few. We are excited to be harvesters who raise harvesters. We see it as a privilege to come and serve this beautiful country and see that people would discover Christ, that the broken-hearted be healed, and those who are captive are set free!  

Indeed, a great adventure in seeing people become fully devoted followers of Christ! We still must experience our first winter here, but we are excited! Excited to learn new things and see new people come into the Kingdom of God! 

Pastor Jacques Lombard
Christian Life Assembly

Jacques and Thea Lombard were pastors of Doxa Deo Church in Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa. He accepted the call to pastor the Christian Life Assembly in Peace River on June 28, 2021. They have two children and are active in the 4th Musketeer Movement.


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