ABNWT District Resource Centre

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Making The Most Of Easter

Easter is coming soon and this is a great opportunity for you and your church to reach out into your community and invite people to join you.  Like Christmas, this is prime real estate for the church.  We can celebrate freely and confidently proclaim “He is Risen”.  Here are some ways you can make the most of Easter:

Be family friendly.  It’s spring and it’s a great time for you to engage families and young children in something that is exciting, fun, and shareable. We often say that kids bring families to church so plan something that is so much fun, kids want to come.  Think about how your current kids can invite their friends.   

Be relevant.  When people come to church once a year or for the first time in a long time, it’s a great opportunity to create an experience that makes them think, “Wow!  That was really great!”   Plan your services to be contemporary, creative and, speak about the relevancy of Easter; why does the resurrection make a difference in 2019?  Remember, our job is to take a never changing Gospel to an ever changing world. 

Be hospitable.  Expect guests.  Think through what it’s like to be a person coming to a service because they are invited or even forced to as part of the family Easter celebration.   It would be be so great if your host teams were so friendly and welcoming that guests would feel like they were a part of something special.  You can also be hospitable by acknowledging the people who are not believers.  Give them context to what you’re talking about.  Let them know it’s ok for them to doubt and Journey in their faith.  Present the gospel and invite them to respond. 

Be intentional.  What happens after Easter? What can you invite them to? Alpha? A relevant course like the finance course or grief share course?  How can you get their info and follow up?  What can you give them if they are interested in learning more about the gospel?  Think about next steps and make it clear and obvious.  

How are you making the most of Easter?  Put your comments below.


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