Looking At Your Community With Fresh Eyes

Millions of Canadians are coming out from house arrest. They are excited to be out. They are a little nervous. Some of them are learning what it means to have real-life conversations again. And all of this new interaction makes for a great opportunity to look at your community with fresh eyes. 

Look at the Needs of Your community

Ask yourself, “What is the biggest need in this community?” It may be childcare, it may be food security, it may be tutoring. There are new needs emerging from this pandemic that did not exist a few years ago. Sit down with a few community builders (school principal, mayor) and ask them that same question, “What do you think is the biggest need in the community”. Then take these thoughts before the Lord and pray about what your church can do to address them. 

Connect with Community Builders

No matter how long you’ve been in the community, things have changed. It’s time to engage or re-engage with those who are engaged in your community to form connections and relationships with them; first responders, educators, elected officials, health care workers, social workers, seniors workers, business owners. All of them are contributing to the embitterment of your community; be intentional and connect with them.  

Do A Prayer Drive

This is the perfect season to engage your church in driving around and praying for the community. Take a Sunday and head out DURING the service to pray and ask God what He is saying about the community. Then have people come back and share what God is saying as they drove around and prayed for the community. God is doing something and He speaks today. 

Do A Community Profile 

Get serious about who’s in your community by doing a community profile. Use the information here to gain a greater understanding of who calls this place their home and what opportunities are there for the church. Your community needs you but you need to know your community.  

Here are some other great ways you can think about engaging your community and seeing them through fresh eyes. 

5 Community Outreach Ideas Your Church Can Do

Ways to Adopt a Local School

15 Ways You Can Be Hope for Your City

5 Outreach Opportunities to Prepare For when Quarantine is Lifted


Jeremiah Raible

Jeremiah works as an Effectiveness Coach with the ABNWT District of the PAOC. He is a passionate and creative leader who believes that the church is the hope of the world. He uses collaboration, innovation, and inspiration to challenge churches and their leadership to engage in the only mission Jesus ever sent his church on: making disciples.


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