Let's Do This!

I’ve been pastoring for 25 years. Hard to believe that’s half my life. My closest friends, some of the greatest experiences in ministry and significant opportunities have all happened because of the tribe I find myself in – our tribe, the PAOC.

One of the things I value about the PAOC is that we celebrate diversity. We have essentials, we should, but we can also cheer those who do things differently than we would, knowing we are going after the same thing: people making the best decision of their life, which is to follow Jesus.

I’m also thankful for the covering our tribe provides not only for myself but for the team of pastors I am privileged to lead. There is accountability in place and a constant strive to be more like Jesus. That always matters.

Ministry, at times, is hard. Life, at times, is hard. I’m grateful for friends who get me, pray with me, and understand my context. I’m thankful for a tribe that allows me to dream and pursue God’s best and one that spans our entire province and nation.

And I get it; no family is perfect. But then, neither am I. That’s the beauty of this – we are imperfect people, part of an imperfect tribe, reaching imperfect people to point them to a perfect Savior.

ABNWT, let’s do this!



My Journey In Belonging


Together In The Journey