ABNWT District Resource Centre

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Are You An Essential Service?

One of the questions I’ve asked at every church I’ve served at is this:  “If our church closed its’ doors, would the community fight to keep us open?”  In answering that question, you begin to see how integrated and essential you are to your community. The truth is, most churches are only deemed essential by their own members. Now we are entering an age where the community at large is deciding whether your church is essential or not. Rather than shrinking back, it’s time to step out of your online platforms and into your community. Here are 4 ways you can become an essential service. 


1.     Form a Community Response Team

I wrote about this HERE. Bring a team together and actively engage your community by meeting felt needs. Get the word out that your church is a place anyone can come to for practical help.


2.     Support Your Local Community Services

Become the biggest practical supporters of your food bank and local shelter.  Find out the community needs and seek to fill them. Partner with your local town council and become a part of what they do. No need to create the wheel, if your community is serving people, join in.


3.     Offer Practical Classes That Enrich The Community

Whether it’s physical or virtual, you can offer classes such as: The Finance Course, Alpha, Marriage Course, Divorce Care, Grief Share, Celebrate Recovery, Mental Health, Anger Management and more.  These courses can help people make life work and will use the timeless principles from scripture without being overly “churchy”.  Creating relational connections and bridging to becoming a part of the church is essential to seeing this strategy work.


4.     Be A Beacon of Hope

Whether it’s online, through mail-outs or door hangers, your church sign or through personal invitations, let your message be one of hope, love, acceptance, and forgiveness.  Too many people know what the church is against but you should be letting them know what you’re for.  Equip your people with the tools they need to bring hope to every scenario they find themselves in. 


If your church closed its’ doors, would the community at large feel the loss of an integral part of their community (whether they attend or not) or would it simply go unnoticed?  What can you do this week to make your church an essential part of your community? 


See this gallery in the original post