ABNWT District Resource Centre

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5 Ways To Reach Your Campus

As you think about the fall and suitable ministry opportunities, give some consideration to the university and college campuses in your area. Is there something you can do to help reach students and faculty for Christ? Let go of the idea that someone else is already there; that is true, but there are thousands of students to reach—over 2.4 million in our nation.

Here are a few suggestions for ways you can get involved:

  1. Support student-led clubs and societies. It is said in missions that individuals who belong to a certain people group are best reached by others who are also a part of that group. On campus this is generally true.  Consider helping students in your church to become an expression of salt and light on campus.

  2. Consider supporting a worker. Sometimes a specialist is what is needed. A few churches can get together to support the placing of a Mission Canada campus worker at a nearby college or university.

  3. Launch a church-based ministry. We’re accountable for the opportunities we create for those who are not in relationship with God to connect with Him through Jesus Christ. You can create these opportunities, and disciple those who respond on a campus near you.

  4. Plant a church. Start a church in close proximity to a campus with the purpose of reaching university students.

  5. Support creative ventures. Red Frogs, social enterprising, and other opportunities are always looking for new partners.

Get ready to be kind and gracious to those who are extremely different than you—those who hold to different and deeply rooted views, sexual preferences, theological views, and who represent cultures from far away places. Cultivate a Christlike response and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit—kindness, gentleness, patience, etc.

If I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me or visit http://www.servecampus.net.


Guest post by Paul Khosla. Paul is the National Coordinator for Serve Campus Network, a Mission Canada priority. You can connect with Paul here.