ABNWT District Resource Centre

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5 Hours A Week In Your Community

For most pastors, the majority of their time is spent inside the church working with church people. Rarely do we get out and engage in the community unless it is a church event in the community. Here is where I would say, “Pastor, your community needs you out there.” You can serve your community and help increase the reputation of your church along with connection to the community by allocating 5 hours per week of your workweek to being completely in the community.

Here are some ways you can engage your community 5 hours per week:

Prayer Walk. 

It’s that simple. Walk to/from church or around the area of your church and pray. Pray for homes, schools and businesses. Listen to what God is saying to you about these places. Write it down. God will use these times to give you ideas. If you have door knockers or event invitations, this is a great time to distribute those as well.  

Needs Assessments. 

Make an appointment with community builders (school principal, business person, non-profit manager, elected official) to do a community needs assessment. Tell them that you are gathering information on how the church can best serve the community. Ask them what they think the biggest need is and see if there is a way the church can respond. Overall, build the relationship and ongoing connection. 

Adopt A School.  

Volunteer in your local elementary school. Read to kids once a week. Serve breakfast at the local breakfast club. This is a way to get involved and to connect with individuals from many families in your community.  Find ways to serve your local elementary school. 

Alpha in The Library. 

See if you can start an Alpha in your local library. Get a few people from your church to help you start a community alpha. Use a central venue like a library or coffee shop and invite your community to a conversation about Christianity. 

Local Business Connections. 

If you’re in a small town, find a time where you can drop in on a small business with a box of chocolates, or a coffee break, and simply bless them with a break. Connect with them and find out how things are going. Offer to be their pastor (if they don’t already have one) and let them know you are praying for them. 

Set Up Your Office In The Local Coffee Shop.  

Write your messages or hold meetings in the local coffee shops once or twice a week. Get to know the people who work and go there. Become a regular and be in the community.  

These are simple ways to get out and be in your community 5 hours per week. Remember, you’re building connections and making yourself accessible to those who live, work and play there. Don’t stay in your building. Get out and get in your community.


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