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4 Ways Lead Pastors Can Support Their Next Gen Leaders During A Crisis

As a lead pastor we rely on our next gens for a lot.


We may not say it often enough, but you give us hope for the future of the church. We see our former ministry self in you. Forgive us when we’ve repeated ad nauseam, “When I was a youth pastor/kids pastor…” At times we envy you and your social media savvy. We benefit from you being a digital native. And from your clenched-teeth patience when we repeatedly choose you over Google to figure out why our computers aren’t working. That’s our low-tech, hi-touch way of connecting. We need you now more than ever before. Here are four ways we can support our next gen pastors during this crisis and beyond.


1. Next Gens Can Handle the Truth

Next gens need the truth. We respect you too much not to be candid. Times are tough. Overwhelming. Worse than we've ever seen in our lives. Things will more than likely not go back to what they used to be. Expect change. And then more change. We are astounded at how many changes we’ve had to make since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. We barely have enough light to see the next step. None of the changes have been easy and none more anxiety-ridden than addressing cash flow, reserves, budgets and staffing. You may not be physically in Board meetings but you are in the conversation. We love you and your family. We pray for you. We’ll call you just to say, “I miss seeing you.” And sometimes we have to deliver news to you, which makes this crisis very personal and harsh. We know you’re worried about your job and so are we. The words of Jesus in Matthew 6:25-33 are never more needed than now. Tough times never last. 


2. Hopeful Perspective

God has not changed. He is faithful and has never and will never abandon us. We are assured that the God who has led us through previous Jordan River experiences will continue to part the water and make a way forward. We believe this crisis is an opportunity to thrive and grow. This is a leader’s time to seize the moment with online connections, personal connections and share the hope and peace we have. The church has always preached reach the world, but nobody really knew how to do that. Or we weren’t listening to new ideas and new ways. Now God has brought the world to the church and placed it in our hands. We will seize the moment together and get out from behind the walls and connect. He is building his church. Our best days are ahead of us.


3. Just in Time Ability

For everyone who filled a new staff position since September 2019 and were finding your place, you now realize that ministry is bigger than a job description. Next gens have something valuable to bring to the table at any time, and especially since you're digital natives, you have a unique skill to bring the church online right now. Prior to coronavirus, you may have secretly, silently envisioned the process of creating an engaging online experience that disciples people. And now that’s exactly what you are helping us do. Sorry, if we missed an opportunity that out of necessity has us (you) scrambling to actualize. Your ability is making a meaningful difference. Thank you.


4. God is Not Shaken

The Holy Spirit isn’t shaken by this crisis. The Father and Son were not taken by surprise. We are attentive to the Holy Spirit’s leading like never before. Part of the Spirit’s leading is our learning to lean in and be mentors like we can be. Take time for yourself. We know you are working while you’re at home. We trust you. Tell us if our expectations of tech or online requests take way longer for you than we understand. If we are texting too often, even to say we’re praying of you, please tell us. We want you healthy and for your family to prosper. God will lift us up, together. 


We lead together and we succeed together.


P.S. Is it OK if we ask you how we can text you a Starbucks gift card?

More Resources?

4 Ways to Support Your Lead Through Hard Times


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