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Why Every Church Must Become A Digital Health Outpost

Reading books from genres outside of the typical ministry selections is a healthy way to expand your perspective and exercise your mind. Brian Solis offers one such source. Brian is global innovation evangelist at Salesforce. He also writes for Fast Company magazine. His latest article is the inspiration behind this post.


The trajectory for the future of ministry, and what ministry will even look like, is now forever changed as a result of COVID-19. One thing is for certain: The future is being defined today, shaped by the health and wellness of congregations and pastors.


As the world prepares to reopen the economy and get back to work, we will not be returning to the ministry experience we once knew or any form of church as usual. Every church will reimagine ministry now and in evolving phases with a live virus still out in the wild. Churches everywhere are having to quickly learn how to protect people and promote health and safety, all while maximizing engagement and sharing the gospel. To thrive in this new era, every church must now become a digital health outpost.


Protect People, Promote Health and Share The Gospel

Through digital transformation and innovation initiatives, traditional churches can evolve into hybrid ministries, onsite and online, operationally and strategically.


The questions to consider are practically innumerable, but answers for every scenario are necessary now and as we move forward. These include:

  • What do we need to do to insure ever-improving, high quality online and onsite services?

  • How do we get church onsite set up for this new world?

  • Do we need a chief health pastor?

  • How many people are allowed in a common workspace at any one time?

  • How do we rethink conference rooms for live meetings?

  • How should we establish health-centered protocols for future disruptions as they happen locally and globally?


Right now, someone in your organization should be tasked with developing the strategy and the playbook for reopening offices and worship spaces. Maybe that’s you.


Reimagine Facility, Workspaces, and Flow

  •  Design healthcare and wellness checks and measures at important milestones in the congregational journey (for instance COVID-19 testing).

  • Organize PPE sourcing and on-site distribution strategy and introduce sanitization stations in key locations where touching common items is second nature, such as around door handles, push-plates, and switches.

  • Establish a support protocol for staff members who test positive.

  • Create a crisis task force and a response protocol for events, including a plan for sending staff members back to work from home when necessary.

  • Redesign space, offices, open areas, kitchens, conference rooms, lobbies, reception areas, and restrooms to promote physical distancing, provide safety barriers such as a clear shield between workstations, and guide movement and traffic flows.

  • Set up a regular deep-cleaning program.


The health and wellness of congregations and staff are everything. In times of disruption, compassion is the killer app.


Brian Solis is the author of the book Engage, regarded as the industry reference guide for developing effective social business and social media strategies. 


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