ABNWT District Resource Centre

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The LoveArmy

OneChurch.to set out on a mission in October 2020 to show the world love like Jesus did—by launching LoveArmy. From simple deeds like paying for the coffee of the person following behind in a drive-through line, to delivering backpacks filled with school supplies to students in the Toronto area, LoveArmy is serving as a vehicle anyone can join to show love for their city, their country, or the world. 

Encouraging people to give of their money, time or talents, there is a regular offering of Monthly Love Challenges that gives people an opportunity to be “unignorably good,” being the hands and feet of Jesus in a time when many feel forgotten or in despair. In November 2020, many took part in the annual Shoebox Party. Based on a list of suggested items, they could stock boxes with lots of toys, practical gifts and love, and drop them off at Onechurch.to. More than 1,750 stuffed shoeboxes were donated by the OneChurch.to family. Shoeboxes could even be filled virtually! 

In December, followers on social media @GoLoveArmy were encouraged to tag their favourite local businesses in the #thankthreechallenge, with LoveArmy reposting expressions of gratitude or praise for many businesses struggling through COVID-19 restrictions who could use the free promotion. The encouragement to have that attitude of gratitude was then extended to teachers and frontline workers, who received messages from friends and followers on how much their presence and work were appreciated.

The new year saw a project launched in partnership with a local mission to collect and donate gently used clothing as part of the #SparkJoy challenge, and stories kept pouring in of people being unignorably good. By the time a stay-at-home order came into effect and the program had to be temporarily paused, more than 2,000 items of clothing were donated. February saw a focus on raising money to help people without homes in the General Toronto Area find shelter on the coldest night of the year. Since then, several other calls and several thousand acts of good deeds in response have made a difference in people’s lives. Spurred on by this word from Hebrews, loving actions in Jesus’ name are continually generated from Love Army.

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24, NLT).

This is Good News! LoveArmy: Being Unignorably Good (paoc.org)

Jerry Sen will share his story at the Church Vitalization Summit on August 30, 31, and September 1 – 10:00-11:30 AM MT. Get your FREE pass to the Summit here.

Jerry lives with his wife and three children in Markham, Ont. They attend OneChurch.to, where he is a Directional Leader, Digital Media and Outreach.

Used with the permission of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. See Original Post HERE


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