ABNWT District Resource Centre

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5 Ways to Create Momentum

You can feel it in the air, it’s a lack of momentum. It’s hard to put your finger on why it just feels like your church is “same ol’, same ol” and, as the leader, you’re acutely aware of it. This is normal. The church will experience lulls throughout the year. Here are 5 ways to jump-start momentum in your church.

Life Stories: Get one or two people in your church and have them share their testimony. Rehearse it and make it the best they can. Add a song at the end of it or video it. Life stories let people know that God is working behind the scenes.

Change the Seating: If you can, take away some seating to create a sense of fullness. When you walk into a church with 30 people sitting amongst 120 chairs, it looks like nothing is happening. Take away the chairs to create the intensity of density. You can always put chairs out when more people come.

Baptisms: Regularly schedule baptisms and continually talk about it. Whenever you have baptisms in the church, spend a lot of time celebrating it. Do spontaneous baptisms as well. If no one gets baptized that time, show an “I am second” video and talk about the power of life change. Remind people that this why the church exists.

Sunday Funday: Take your regular Sunday service and inject some fun into it. Add a pancake breakfast beforehand or a chili cook-off after. Do a “minute to win it” game in the announcement slot. Show a funny video. Get people laughing and having fun.

Vision Moments: Find ways to cast the vision every week. Vision leaks and so keep communicating “why we exist” and “what we’re here to do”. Have different people in your congregation communicate the vision. Create a vision Sunday where everyone discusses the church’s existence and the opportunities that are there. Do a prayer drive on a Sunday AM to pray for the community.

Snap out of the routine. Change it up. Don’t get caught in the liturgy trap (4 songs, greeting, announcements, sermon, altar, fellowship time, repeat). Make every Sunday special. Momentum will help you move forward as a church.

What are some other ways you create momentum in your church?


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