ABNWT District Resource Centre

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5 Outreach Opportunities to Prepare for When Quarantine is Lifted

Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going, not to where it’s been.”  While we may not exactly know what life will look like post COVID-19, we can anticipate some needs that will emerge that can be opportunities to serve others and make Jesus known.


Tutoring Clubs

Even with home schooling and online classes, many students will not be able to access or keep up with course material.  Students of all ages are going to need help catching up on missed or incomplete learning. Offer online tutoring clubs and eventually in person homework clubs and after school tutoring. Recruit retired educators, homeschool teachers and others who have a gift for teaching and mentoring.


Child Care

Not everyone will have a job to go back to, or full-time hours when self-isolation restrictions are lifted.  A surge in need for childcare may happen as parents job search, work shifts or simply cannot afford previous childcare options.  Day homes, daycares and preschool programs will be huge opportunities to serve families.


Benevolence Requests

As restrictions lift local churches may receive increased requests for assistance for a variety of needs. Determine, review or setup your benevolence guidelines, ensuring staff are aware.  Create and make available to all church staff a list of resources available within the community that can assist in areas that your church may not be able to.  If unable to meet someone’s request, at least try to direct them to where they can find assistance elsewhere.



People are going to want to celebrate all those missed milestones and events.  Churches that have been sitting empty can become a destination venue where people experience hospitality and excellence in service.  Churches will need to have well thought out plans for hosting public events as restrictions may still apply to gatherings. 


Grief Care

We’re all experiencing trauma, some more so than others.  The grieving process and journey varies for each person and the crisis of the pandemic has complicated people’s ability to process and mourn loss. Loss of loved ones, jobs, lifestyle, security, stability, relationships and so much more that will emerge. People will look to the church to be a source of hope, clarity and healing.  Be prepared to walk with people through the recovery process. 


What opportunities do you see post COVID-19 self-isolation?  How can your church be ahead of the curve?


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